Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Florida PLT Conference

From Nancy Peterson, Coordinator, Florida Project Learning Tree:

Registration is now open at http://floridaplt2012conf.eventbrite.com/ for Sustainable Forests: Lessons from the Lorax, Florida PLT Conference, November 2-3, 2012! We are so excited about this unusual training opportunity. The FPLT steering committee members worked hard at securing sponsors so this 2-day program is only $40 for early registration! Enrollment will be capped at 50. Below is the draft agenda. Friday dinner will be catered by Nicole’s on the River and the food is good! Our hotel is across the street from the ocean on Amelia Island!

I hope to see you there.

PROGRAM Draft Agenda

Thursday, November 1- those needing to arrive early Hotel check-in 4:00PM

Dinner on your own or join the group. (Will make reservations at a near-by restaurant for our group. Cost of dinner is not included in registration fee)

Conference Agenda

Tour, Friday, November 2, 2012 Long pants and closed-toes shoes are required for the tours

9:00 Check at hotel
9:45 Load bus/vehicles
10:30 Rayonier, logging site and SFI talk
12:30 Lunch provided by Rayonier
1:30 Tour RockTenn facility
4:30 Load bus/vehicles for hotel

Room Check-in
6:00 Load bus/vehicles for dinner
6:30 Dinner sponsored by Langdale and PCA.
8:00 Load bus/vehicles for hotel

Workshop, Saturday, November 3, 2012

8:00 Private vehicles to depart hotel for meeting room
8:30 Introductions, Icebreaker
9:00 SFI introduction/correlations
9:30 PLT Activity
10:30 PLT Activity 11:30 PLT Activity
12:00 Lunch, Sponsored by Buckeye
1:00 PLT Activity
2:00 Common Core Standards & STEM
2013 Workshop plans
2:45 Evaluation and wrap-up
3:00 Adjourn

Event Sponsors: Packaging Corporation of America, Langdale Woodlands, Rayonier Foundation, RockTenn, Buckeye, National Project Learning Tree-American Forestry Foundation, Florida Project Learning Tree

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